Tuesday, May 20, 2014

You know your scentsy consultant when...


Being a Scentsy consultant is awesome...but being a consultant you experience quite a few things while working your business...

     Being a consultant for Scentsy has been amazing and has provided a way for my family to live our organic lifestyle.  My hubby works extremely hard to provide for our family while I stay at home to raise the sweet pea, but I love that scentsy has provided extra funds for date nights, diapers, and it has helped us maintain our "organic" lifestyle. Being a stay at home mom, is wonderful but sometimes you want something of your own, something you can put your effort into during those nap times ( when and if they happen..am I right ? ) and scentsy has provided just that  for me. Over the last year I have fallen more in love with the company and products and grown my business...I love doing parties and chatting with people and answering questions and comments...but with that comes some interesting thoughts, feelings, and actions only a scentsy consultant would understand...thought I would share some
(satirically of course, hehe!) 
You know your a scentsy consultant when.....

 -You graciously smile while someone is informing you that you have been sucked into a "Pyramid scheme."

... Well that "scheme" has provided a lot of diapers, date nights, organic treats and helps support my family...so I will gladly climb that "Pyramid"! 

- You die a little inside, and hold yourself back from screaming "NOOOOO!"  when someone says" Oh, ill just grab a bar for the warmer at "such and such", its a little cheaper"....

...Ok you enjoy that store brand stale chocolate, while I enjoy that Ghirardelli supreme for a lot longer...

 -You cringe watching someone ahead of you buy a bunch of scented candles...

if only they knew....

- You laugh inside when you are passing around scents and someone goes "EW, that smells disgusting"

... because you had someone order that exact scent in a bar, scent circle, room spray, 
and lotion last week. 

-  Your chatting with someone about your business and hand them a catalog and they look at you like your a Jehovah's witness  trying to hand out pamphlets...

...its just a catalog people....


- someone claims "I'm not really a scent person" and you can't help but react with...

...... Are you human? Do you not have nose?

- You try not to get overly weird and excited when someone says they will host a party...

...Hold it in, hold it in..."I'M SO EXCITED!!"

-you look like this when waking up to a see you have a ROO 
(random online order)...


-and last but not least....this is you when putting in an order of the last day of the month...


     I hope you got a good laugh. Honestly though I love being a consultant and wouldn't trade it for anything! I love all my costumers and appreciate your support always! You can check out my scentsy site for more info or to order :) 
Click Here to Check Out My Site                              

Blessings, Kristen

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