DIY Organic Baby Food
Here is a simple guide to starting your little hungry hippo out right...
The task of making you own baby food can seem daunting , but in fact its pretty easy! All you need is the right tools and right tips and you'll be wipping up puree's like the Gordon Ramsey of the baby world in no time!
I always knew I would want to try and make my own baby food and after reading how most store bought baby food has MSG in it...yes, thats right MSG and a ton of other additives ( see link here... I knew making my own was the best option. Not to mention it really saves you a lot of money! Those little jars add up fast!
Every baby is different and will be ready to start solids at different times
(Usually around 6 months) , so just watch your baby and look for signs they may be ready such as: grabbing at your food, watching you eat ( this gets kind of weird and awkward by the way, Every time you put something in your mouth your little one will stare at you with beady eyes and watch you eat every last morsel...), can sit up in a high chair or bumbo, making "chewing motions" with their mouths.
Some tools I recommend: